TIPS IT ? freeware, shareware, tools, design, blogger template
Nov 18, 2007
Remove navigation bar
hermp.. kena respect dan bagi credit kat orang-orang yang hack code nih.. so paste link ke diorang aje laa erh..
my task.. carikkan kat mana udahle tuh..
Nov 15, 2007
Recent Comments Widget (BLOGGER)
(1) use widgets (click here) or
(2) go to this link for another ways to add recent comments or
(3) manually...
1. Login ke Account Blog Anda
2. Klik Menu "Lay Out"
3. Masuklah pada Menu "Page Element", klik "Add Page Element"
4. Pilih "Add HTML/JavaScript"
5. Copy + Paste Kod Script di bawah ini ke dalam Space kosong pada menu "HTML/JavaScript" tadi.
6. Jangan lupa utk tukar "ALAMAT URL BLOG" dengan Alamat Blog Anda yang betul. Jumlah komen yang akan di display di blog juga boleh ditukar , contoh default angka "5" pada "var numcomments = 5" di code script tadi maksudnya 5 recent comments, boleh tukar dengan jumlah yang anda hendak<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script><script style="text/javascript">var numcomments = 5;var showcommentdate = true;var showposttitle = true;var numchars = 100;var standardstyling = true;</script><script src="http://ALAMAT URL BLOG"></script>
7. Klik 'Save"
8. Boleh letak kat mana-mana suka 'Widget Recent Comments' -- yang boleh di drag /drop la ye...
----- kalau tak jadi.. korang kena check setting blog ------------
Enable Comments Feed
Logged in, go to ....
Settings -> Site Feed and switch to “Advanced Mode”. You should set the “Blog Comment Feed” and “Per-Post Comment Feeds” to either “Short” or “Full”. Do not choose “None”. Save the Settings.
(more pasal comments feeds.. kalau korang rajin nak baca laa. hehehhe )
Nov 12, 2007
How to remove internet browsing / search history from IE7
1) Telah menggunakan pc bos ketika pc anda di serang virus, dan browse ke tempat-tempat yang mungkin anda tidak mahu bos anda tahu
2) Menggunakan pc yang perlu di kongsi beramai-ramai dan tidak mahu mereka menjejaki apa yang ada baca & lihat
3) Dan macam-macam lagi laa reason-reason yang tidak ingin anda kongsikan dengan orang lain apa anda cari di internet tuh…
Internet Explorer 7
1. Go to Tools menu
2. Select Options
3. On General tab, click on the "Delete..." button from the Browsing History area.
4. Click "Delete forms..." button from the Form data area. ((kalau korang nak delete search history.))
rupe main dailog box...
Nov 8, 2007
Freeware : Foxit PDF Reader
Pros: Much faster than Adobe Reader (..installation, open file and more.. )
Download here : Visit SiteResource link for blogger template
:: blogandweb -- convert from WP
:: blogcrowds -- more xml hack template
:: Blogger Templates
:: freshbloggertemplate -- fresh & new
:: - cute template
:: Templates para Blogger - birajiru -- one of my favorite!
:: b-themes -- lagi wordpress theme for bloggers
ini tempat yang selalu aku refer utk template / skin blogger (especially yang di adaptasi daripada wordpress themes). Tips for hacking, modifying, altering your blog (blogger) pun ada di sini..
Blogger template : Minyx 2.0
Minyx 2.0 - A great template without pictures; good use of available space.
Blogger template : Magazine-Style
Magazine-Style - A nice template if you have a lot of information and widgets to display up front. It has got a three columns in the main area as well as in the footer area.
Blogger template : Likewise v1.1
Likewise v1.1 - A clean white template with one column for the post and with three column footer on a black background.
Blogger template : Informativo
Blogger template : Hemingway
Hemingway - A beautiful dark template - one column for the post body and three column on the footer.
Blogger template : Green Marinee
Green Marinee - A long time favorite of many bloggers ported to Blogger. Great use of space, and a nice color combination.
Blogger template : Glow
Glow - If Hellboy or Flash Gordon wanted to blog, this is one template they might like.
Blogger template : Garland
Garland - Drupal’s default look copied to Blogger. Soothing to the eyes, isn’t it?
Blogger template : Fresh
Fresh Blogger Template - A fresh looking (it really is) green and blue theme. Great usability.
Blogger template : Erudite
Erudite - A neat three-column Blogger template with the black color header and the orange color RSS icon gelling well.
Blogger template : Cultivado
Blogger template : Columnas
Columnas - This theme’s peculiar design stands out from the rest of the templates in this list. Nice and clean.
Blogger template : an Elegant
Blogger template : Butterfly Magic
Butterfly Magic - Another beautiful color combination, or shall we call it just another butterfly effect
Blogger template : Beautiful Red Apple
Beautiful Red Apple - Another nice Wordpress theme converted into a Blogger template, has a 940px width frame, lots of space and customization possibilities.
Blogger template : Autumn Grass
Autumn Grass - I like the color combination and the vertical menu links in the header. There is also sufficient space there for ads and videos.
Blogger template : Adreass04
3-column templates
Andreas4 - Another popular Wordpress template by Andreas cloned for Blogger. The template can be used as a bare bone structure for customization.
Blogger template : Web 2.0
Web 2.0 - A black and white template with a slight touch of blue color on the blog logo and the RSS feed.
Blogger template : Vertical
Blogger template : White Web 2.0
Red-White Web 2.0 - The buttons are nice. The search bar looks like a candy bar. The color combination is good. A template true to its name.
Blogger template : Neoneon
Neoneon - This is another unique design - rectangle sidebar boxes and spiral main body.
Blogger template : Natural
Natural - If you are the artistic kind, this one will be a feast for your eyes.
Blogger template : Mushblue
Mushblue - Striking header color and works well with the dark background.
Blogger template : iPhone
iPhone - An elaborate Wordpress theme converted into Blogger. The large header button could probably be used better.
Blogger template : Integral
Integral - The most striking visual details on this template are its rounded header and the green and sky-blue color combination.
Blogger template : Hada-negra
Hada-negra - A beautiful template - seductive and pleasing to the eyes.
Blogger template : Emire
Emire - Beautiful color combination but I wish there was more width for the post and the sidebar.
Blogger template : Eclipse
Eclipse - Another dark theme that brings werewolves to mind. An enchanting template for the dark souls.
Blogger template : Dead
Dead - This one can be described as heavy metal/rock style - sinister and dark.
Blogger template : Cajas
Cajas - A blog tittle in a header that looks like the Blogger navbar and five menu links with multi-color backgrounds that tool the place of the traditional blog header.
Blogger template : Adreass08
Andreas08 - From the same author of the one above. The header is ready to be customised with your own picture.
Blogger template : Adreass02
2-column templates
Andreas02 - Lots of tab links above the header. You can showcase the description of each active tab on the header. / Pernah guna utk blog office club.. menarik. nampak cam businesslike sket..
Nov 7, 2007
Freeware : PDF Creator
PDFCreator is a free tool to create PDF files from nearly any Windows application.
Key Features:
- Create PDFs from any program that is able to print
- Security: Encrypt PDFs and protect them from being opened, printed etc.
- Send generated files via eMail
- Create more than just PDFs: PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS
- AutoSave files to folders and filenames based on Tags like Username, Computername, Date, Time etc.
- Merge multiple files into one PDF
- Easy Install: Just say what you want and everything is installed
- Terminal Server: PDFCreator also runs on Terminal Servers without problems
- And the best: PDFCreator is free, even for commercial use! It is Open Source and released under the Terms of the GNU General Public License.
Download here : Visit Site
I have been to the format Microsoft training on Microsoft Project2003 which cost per licence RM12k.. (gilo aper?) So.. telah ku buat stadi sket.. cari free alternative for Project2003. Features, screen shots, menus.. sumenya similar.. kalau anda biasa dgn microsoft features.. YES this is the best alternative (FREEWARE) yang boleh digunakan utk kegunaan rumah ke.. office ke.. ape jek laa..
Download here : Visit site
Freeware : SoftPerfect File Recovery
ini bukan sponsored entry.. cuma nak sharekan tools yang boleh diguna pakai sahabat-sahabat sekalian sekiranya anda tersalah / terdelete / sengaja delete tapi nak cari balik / atau apa-apa yang seumpama dengannya.. boleh la gunakan software nih dgn jayanya. Kita dah try ngan SD card camera.. carik balik *.jpg.. and it's turns out semua dapat recover balik ((yah yahh))..